Tuesday 21 January 2014

Grade 10 Art Culminating

My first thoughts were to make a presentation for my self representation assignment but it did not work out. I also tried to do a poster and that didn't work. I am concerned because I don't have lots of time and i have decided that I am going to draw my aboriginal animal. The animal represents who I am, what i enjoy doing, and why the animal represents me. The animal that best represents me is the Wolf. This animal hunts for food, travels in pacts, and is highly respected in our community and our religious beliefs. Some ideas for technique would include:

  • Traditional Pencil and Paper.
  • Woodland like drawing.

Monday 20 January 2014

Lino cut prints

I cut out a bear paw and used the paint to make this. It was very difficult for me to make because i couldn't steady myself perfectly and make a few mistakes.

Cathedral Ideas

 I am going to make my Gothic cathedral similar to the ones below by using the Minecraft Program.
Some requirements are stain glass windows, flying buttresses.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

gothic cathedral

my cathedral has all of the components for the success criteria! I got flying buttresses, stain glass windows, a watch tower, an alter and benches inside...and also i have the portal to hell.