Wednesday 4 November 2015

I am thinking about several concepts of myself on how i can represent those ideas into project. I am currently trying to process who i am and what my purpose is as i get older. I develop new ideas everyday and some of these ideas are really good. I am pretty certain that i will be using words to best describe me. The outside of my box will be painted white and using blending techniques, i will be able to have a peice that best represents who i am as a person, and how i can compare my differences with other class mates. I understand the concept of this assignment... As you intended it for use to not only use what artistic step but also throwing in concept thinking into the mixture. You are marking us on our creativity and the resemblance to the assignment. I am very, bold, mature, and naive, soo these are words id consider using for my project. My idea came from when You and I were talking about this assignment, you told me "let this assignment pull your mind and talent to show how a simple box can fully represent you as an individual. I have yet picked what words to choose im sure they will best represent me as a person, who i am.
This is kind of how the outside layout of the words will look like but i will choose a special font and nicely fade the colour of the words.

Monday 14 September 2015

"I am me. I may look like you, but if you take a closer look you will realize that I am nothing like you at all. I am very different. I see things through a completely different perspective because in my life I had experiences that you didn’t have, and I had feelings you didn’t have, and I’ve lived places and seen places and experienced life from a completely different point of view than you have. I may be wearing the same shoes and the same haircut, but that gives you no right to have any preconceived notions about what I am or who I am."
You are a book. Like Keith Haring’s quote said, you are unlike anyone else, with different experiences, perspectives and dreams. How can you define your individuality, your character, your uniqueness, by creating book?  How much freedom do you have by creating a book that defines you? What is a book?
This assignment is for us to "find ourselves". what Mrs. Rose means by this is to figure out who we are deep inside, we can use our own personal feelings to express us within our work. Our lives are similar to a book because we as  look forward to a new day, we are writing our pages as we go, whatever we do cannot be erased and rewritten. This is why its important to overlook the importance and value of life. 
The book keeper and Me is a good book for this project because it helps me express and show how proud i am of being an aboriginal. This books shows the importance of ones heritage and culture. This book tells the story of a man who endures many situations and overcomes them. Its truly inspiring and has a good visual display of what times where like for the aboriginal people. 
Book I Chose... Keeper and Me.